Monday, December 12, 2011

Home Made Magnets

I bought these materials to make home made magnets over 2 years ago! I ended up moving right after buying them and then having a baby and finding myself with absolutely no time. Then we moved here and I was so excited to make them until I found out that our fridge randomly isn't magnetic! One of my friends on facebook posted about making home made magnets with her kids and that they were using them on the fireplace grate and I went, "I have a grate on my fireplace!!" So today, we made some home made magnets :)

Marcus was really into it from the get go. I'm so glad he's doing so well following instructions since his speech has gotten better. That really makes my heart sing! I showed him once and then he did it perfectly all by himself quite a few times. Sweet boy.

Jamesen always throws a fit when I start a project. I don't know what it is but it's like he doesn't want to do it because I'm showing him what to do. He'd rather just run a mock with the materials and not care about the project. He always runs away and then a few minutes later comes back full swing.

We had a lot of fun running through the house finding magnetic surfaces. They got quite a few to stick on some of Gemma's stuff which they got a huge kick from.

Then I kind of ushered them towards the grate and they didn't really get it at first, haha! I guess it doesn't look like it would hold magnets. Once I put one up they got the idea though and quickly filled it up.

And since we don't have a magnetic fridge, they decided to run go get the bag I've been storing the magnets in and brought them out to cover it completely. I love it! It makes the best decoration for our fireplace that's never used! :)

We ended up making magnets out of random house hold stuff as well like: Christmas bows, buttons, hair clippies, leggos and a few more things that I can't remember right now... See why I need this blog so my memory doesn't fail me? :)


  1. How fun!! We will have to do that! Taia would love it! We don't have a magnetic fridge either but our garage freezer is magnetic! The mini fridge on the back porch is also and she has some random school-made magnets out there. lol

  2. Lori----- Get an oil pan (there are a couple bucks) and hang it on the wall for a great metal board! you can even paint it or cover with thin paper to make it look nicer!
    This was one of the crafts I give to kids with long hospital stays...they stick to their IV polls!
