Monday, January 16, 2012

Stained Glass Valentines

This one was another one that proved more difficult than it looked. At least with smaller kids! I had planned to do them with both the boys along side each other, but they were having trouble putting the tissue paper onto the glue in the right place.

J decided it was too much for him and that he'd rather play with his trains so I let him run off and play else where while I finished the project with Marcus. He did pretty well and got the hang of it, but it started out a bit rough. He kept pulling up the tissue paper he just put down with the glue stick and was a bit over zealous when putting the tissue paper down and would miss the glue entirely! Eventually he got the hang of it though.

Turned out pretty cute!

I tried a completely different approach with J as he likes the least amount of help possible and doing it the original way was going to mean a lot more help than he wanted. I just put a piece of tissue paper on the back of the black outline and let him go at it. He didn't really want much to do with the tissue paper pieces, so I let him just man the glue and I put the paper down. It got him to do the project so that's a win in my book!

He didn't want to take a picture with it though and this is the only one I got!

I hung them with two strips of tissue paper twisted together and taped to the window. I know it's early for valentine's day, but they sure do look cute!

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