Monday, January 23, 2012

Paper Plate Jellyfish

We've been having some crazy stormy weather lately and have been cooped up in the house more than usual. Today we had a tornado warning so we were really stuck inside! By late afternoon, the boys were going pretty stir crazy and I was about to lose it, so I grabbed a bunch of stuff laying around my house and we made some jellyfish! I apologize for the picture quality as it was dark and stormy outside.

The boys weren't too keen on coloring the paper plates so they got a little help from mom, lol! I wanted them to be really colorful, but they were just not interested in coloring. Once we were done coloring, we stuffed and hot glued the plates together. Marcus was so excited to help me with the glue gun and Jamesen was excited too! Normally he puts up a fight, but he was all for stuffing and gluing.

Once we were done with that, I let them use the scissors to cut their ribbons. They love using scissors! I had to coach Marcus on how to use them again and then was surprised when Jamesen was able to do it after watching Marcus. The second kid really is amazing sometimes! They learn so fast from their older sibling!

After cutting the ribbon, I helped them hot glue them onto the plate. It's so funny how excited they get with the glue gun! Marcus was so cute and jumping up and down after every ribbon he stuck on, silly boy. Jamesen was surprisingly willing to glue the ribbon on. Usually he flips when he needs help and there was no way I was going to let him use the glue gun alone! When we were done, I told them it was a jellyfish and they were SO excited once I said fish. They're both pretty into fish at the moment, especially Jamesen.

They then ran around the house chasing each other with their jellyfish and taking turns tickling me with the ribbon. When daddy came home, they were so excited to show him and had a blast stinging him with the ribbon too.


  1. Adorable! Stinging their dad with the ribbon made me laugh, in my head I was hearing that cute little "zap" sound kids make lol :)
