Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Duct Tape Treasure Chest Toy Box

I was wandering Pinterest and found a pin about someone using decorative duct tape to spruce up a diaper box to use for storage. I've been wanting to get the boys a toy box for a long time but all the ones that are cheap enough for cheap me to even consider were tiny.  So I decided to make them one using that same method. 


My supply list: 
2 boxes of similar size
2 colors of duct tape
poster board
packing tape

I started with the box that would be the toy box. My first step was to cut one of the larger flaps off and tape it to the other one so that there was a piece of box going all the way across the top. 

My next step was  to tape the poster board over the top so that it arched.

Then I took the flaps off the other box and cut a few 2 inch strips to attach to the top to make it more like a lid. It took a lot of packing tape to get to lay right, but it fits perfectly!

Next I laid the treasure chest on it's side on the other box and cut out shapes for the sides to help the lid hold it's shape better. Be careful when you tape it on! Make sure it opens and shuts easily still.

Then I began taping with duct tape. I started with the sides of the lid and then the lid itself so that the ends could be hidden under tape going the other direction. Make sure the lid is closed while you tape it so that it has enough slack to open and shut! After the lid, I did the bottom and then I went around the sides. I started the strips in the back so you wouldn't see where the tape started and ended .

All finished! Phew!

I also taped the other flaps inside of the box down so they wouldn't get in the way of toys.

Then I added some gold accents on to make it look more like a treasure chest.

Last thing was to make a little lock out of the tape and tape it on the lid. Voila! finished product!

And that's it! Easy but a bit time consuming. I love how it turned out though :)

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